About Me
Jo Preston, HPD, DipCHyp, MNCH
Counsellor/Psychotherapist/Hypnotherapist in North London
I am a counsellor/psychotherapist/hypnotherapist/CBT practitioner with Master Practitioner qualifications in hypnotherapy. I have 16 years of clinical experience and have helped many clients over the years conquer many different and often difficult issues, including social, health and other forms of anxiety, depression, self-esteem/lack of confidence, relationship issues, (including couples counselling), addictions – including alcohol and drug abuse, weight/eating issues, unwanted habits and fears and phobias.
I have also helped those who don’t have a particular issue, but who want help to live their best life or achieve a particular goal.
I realised that counselling/therapy was my calling and vocation nearly 25 years ago when my children were very young and I sought therapy for my own problems. I had had problematic pregnancies and then one of my sons was born with a significant health problem. This meant that I had had many anxiety-provoking hospital visits over many years. The cumulative effects left me feeling extremely anxious and eventually, clinically depressed. After suffering for several months, I sought help from a therapist who used a combination of hypnotherapy and CBT techniques. With their help, my anxiety and depression cleared, and I was able to finally enjoy life again. I remember thinking at the time how great it would be to be able to help others change their lives for the better as I myself had been helped. Very soon after this, I embarked upon my training as a therapist.
I trained initially for four years as a natural health practitioner and counsellor, gaining a Licientiate from The College for Homeopathic Education, a Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology from the Centre for Naturopathic Medicine, and a Diploma in Psychodynamic Counselling from Herts and Beds Counselling Foundation, which is accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). As time went on, I was keen to further my skills in counselling and psychotherapy and also wanted to train as a hypnotherapist, as I myself had experienced great changes for the better with hypnotherapy when I had been feeling so bad. I gained my hypnotherapy qualifications at the renowned Quest Institute in London with Trevor Silvester and have received further hypnotherapy/psychotherapy training from Dr Brian Roet and Hugh Osborne, going on to study psychotherapy with The Human Givens Institute and with Mark Tyrell. I have trained in CBT methodology, couples counselling, addictions therapy and suicide prevention.
My sons are now grown up and I have successfully navigated my way through other significant stressful life-events – probably worse than those experienced all those years ago. The difference has been that I now have the practical methodology, the resources, training and life-experience to know how to remain resilient and defeat negative thoughts and behaviours, even under very difficult conditions. Over the years, I have helped countless clients to rid themselves of negative thoughts and behaviours and to help them achieve the ongoing capacity for resilience, contentment and fulfilment – as I myself was helped.
Clients see me for counselling and/or hypnotherapy at my North London practice in Winchmore Hill.
I am here to help with any current or past trauma or stressful circumstance that may be causing you distress or difficulty. However, I understand that even when there are no apparent external stressful situations on the horizon, unwanted thinking and behaviours, such as anxiety, addictive behaviour, relationship issues or phobias, can keep us unhappy and stuck, causing us pain, even when everything else in our lives seems to be going well.
Sometimes, we are just used to being stuck in a pattern of anxious, depressed, panicked or addictive behaviour. However hard we try, it is often not at all easy to break out of the cycle of negative self-destructive thinking or behaviour without help. That’s why I’m here.
As my client, you must feel safe in the knowledge that anything you tell me will remain between you and me only, and treated with the utmost professional confidence and compassion. Whatever you tell me, I will never judge you and will be kind, caring and supportive always. Within this secure framework, I want to help you to regain control over your feelings, thoughts and behaviours from the very first time you see me. You can trust me and be safe with me.
I am a fully-insured member of the National Council of Hypnotherapy (NCH) which upholds the highest standards of professional ethics and training for its members.
I work from my practice in Winchmore Hill, North London.
If you would like to book a session with me, or you would just like an initial chat or to ask me any questions, please do leave me a voicemail, email me or text me. If I am working and can’t reply immediately, I will always reply as soon as I am free.
Contact Jo
Phone: 07967 528898
Email: therapy@jopreston.co.uk
Face-to-face sessions in my North London Practice or Online